Foreign ownership of UK assets

Everything in the UK is owned by foreigners.Harrods by Qatar.Selfridges by Saudi Arabia.Waterstones, Cadburys and Boots by American companies.Jaguar and Land Rover by Asian companies.And so on.Wait till you are forced by taxation to sell your own home to Blackstone and rent it back.

Labour government budget October 2024

Look to the 7 year rule being abolished and all gifts to children being taxed. This will include children’s pocket money, surely the ultimate unearned income; they don’t even tidy their rooms anymore. Look forward to a 30% withholding tax and the need to file an annual tax return for your children as soon as …

cost of uk illegal immigrants

There are roughly 1 million illegal immigrants in the UK.The low income arrivals pay almost nothing in taxes.Each one costs the British taxpayers about £30,000 per year for housing, medical care, education etc.That’s £30 billion a year out of the pockets of British people to fund the lifestyle of people that were never invited to …

Pro Hamas students

These students should go and live in some Islamic “paradise” for a few months. Especially the gay ones. March down the street while criticizing the government and you’ll be beaten to death. Incidentally “racist” Israel has a larger percentage Muslim citizen population than any western nation.

Not one girl could be shown to their parents

Please read this heart-breaking article in the Daily Telegraph published 7 October 2024: Here’s a brief extract: The women were shot many times in the head. “Why? Why? We saw that these women were shot to be killed, maybe in the heart, in the head, but then they were shot many times in the …


The Saudi government just bought 40% of Selfridges department store on London’s Oxford Street. 8 October 2024. But not one penny for Gaza and no home for them either in its vast land. The people of Gaza HAD an independent nation. With the billions of aid it could have been another Dubai. But instead, like …

monopoly on terrorism

Granted the vast majority of Muslims are decent people.But sadly they have a virtual monopoly on terrorists.Whether the World Trade Center, buses in London, a marathon in Boston, a concert in Manchester, rock festival in Israel it’s always Muslims.Doesn’t two tier Starmer realize this?

bad Israeli pr

Israel certainly made some errors after 7 October. In deference to Jewish burial laws and human decency they removed the bodies, the burned children tied to their mothers with barbed wire, the raped and mutilated young women before they allowed the press in. In my opinion this was a mistake. The world’s press should have …

voter fraud

We live in a tiny Caribbean island. Yet we have managed to develop a secure voting system. You need to register to get a photo voter’s ID card; free. You must vote in person showing your ID card. You can only get a postal vote after showing an air ticket as proof you will be …

Europe impoverished and taken over by Arab wealth

The last 40 years has seen a massive transfer of wealth from the democratic west to Middle Eastern autocrats in the form of oil revenue. Worthless people who would still be riding around on camels without the discovery of oil by western companies first spent OUR money on flashy cars, clothes and palaces. Then they …