The Fallacy of Negative Interest Rates

The theory is that a negative interest rate will make people more likely to spend their cash if it isn’t earning them an income. The opposite is true. People saving for their senior years have some idea of what they will need to live on. They base their current savings level on the income they …

The ant and the grasshopper

The Ant and Grasshopper. In Democrat land. The ant works hard all summer long while the grasshopper plays in the sun. Come the winter the ant has a nice warm home and plenty of food while the grasshopper shivers and starves. The grasshopper calls a press conference. America is aghast that this poor grasshopper should …

Jacob Blake

Part of the outrage over the Jacob Blake shooting is caused by the deliberate omission of the facts of the case. Makes it a much better story to whip up the masses. The reason the police were there in the first place is because they had been called by his former girlfriend. There was an …

What Does Black Lives Matter believe?

They don’t like nuclear families for a start: “We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure requirement by supporting each other as extended families and “villages” that collectively care for one another, especially our children, to the degree that mothers, parents, and children are comfortable.” We are guided by the fact that all Black lives matter, …

Congress votes $25 billion for the Post Office

Claiming that Donald Trump is throttling the US Post Office to suppress mail-in votes Congress has voted $25 billion for the post office. $25 billion. Let’s assume that there are 250 million voters in the USA who want to vote by mail. (It’s probably way less than that.)That’s $100 per voter.For that they could …

Did President Trump praise neo-Nazis?

According to the liberal press he said they were “very fine people”. But if you read the whole speech that’s not actually true. Not even slightly true. Here are some extracts from what he ACTUALLY said: Q    The neo-Nazis started this.  They showed up in Charlottesville to protest — THE PRESIDENT:  Excuse me, excuse …

Was the botched coronavirus fight Trump’s fault?

The main beef against President Trump is his handling of the China originated coronavirus pandemic. I agree it’s been a cringe-making disaster. But he’s not alone. He’s in “good” company with the leaders of Spain, UK, France, Italy, Netherlands, Sweden etc. Are they all “orange buffoons” as the liberal left like to describe President Trump? …

Biden vs Trump

There’s only one issue that matters over the next few years. The others pall into insignificance. It concerns the whole free world. It’s China’s attempt to conquer and bully the entire world. Biden is in their thrall. As has been every slack-jawed president since Nixon. Four hundred years ago China was the largest economy in …

Black people murdered by police an epidemic? Not exactly

Since August 2014 8 black people have been killed by the police in circumstances that could be described as wrongful. 9 August 2014 Michael Brown 22 November 2014 Tamir Rice 4 April 2015 Walter Scott 5 July 2016 Alton Sterling 6 July 2016 Philandro Castile 18 March 2018 Stephon Clark 13 March 2020 Breonna Taylor …

Washington Post, New York Times, Wall Street Journal

The Washington Post is read by people who think they run the country. The New York Times by people who think they SHOULD run the country. The Wall Street Journal by those who actually DO run the country.