Ghislaine Maxwell, Jeffrey Epstein, Virginia Giuffre

Pedophilia is disgusting. When one hears of people abusing small children, even their own, my instinct is they have no right to live. No doubt that Epstein was a sleaze. And I wouldn’t have wanted my own teenage daughter anywhere near him. However. This isn’t what happened here. These were sexually active young women who …

Please wear your mask in enclosed public spaces

Are masks effective?I don’t live in the USA but in a tiny Caribbean island. Climate is similar to Miami and we have widespread air conditioning.Our governments closed our airport in mid-March, thus destroying our tourism business and throwing thousands out of work, We did have repatriation flights for returning locals. But they were taken straight …

Gender fluid? WTF

I always considered myself to be a fairly easygoing and tolerant person. I really don’t care if some man wants to marry another man or woman marry a woman.  But that is no longer enough. To avoid being condemned I must now believe that a person born with a penis is identical to a person …

Coronavirus Chinese’s lies exposed

The vile Chinese regime has been showing its true colors over the last year. Over the Uighurs, Hong Kong, Taiwan and most recently by suppressing the facts about coronavirus until it has spread all over the western world. This has recently been exposed by Li Meng Yan, a HONG KONG virologist who was told to …

Black Lives Matter. But not in Chicago

“Black Lives Matter.” Yes they do. But it is black on black crime that is the greatest cause of death of young black people. Not murderous acts by odious white cops. This is the low hanging fruit for those who truly care about black lives. Work in those communities for better education, contraception rather than …

At War With China?

In 1939 Hitler’s Germany rolled its tanks into Poland; triggering World War II. In January 2020 China deliberately suppressed the facts about a virus that probably originated in their biolab in Wuhan. While immediately locking down Wuhan to prevent its uncontrolled spread in China they arrested and “disappeared ” doctors and journalists who warned the …