George Floyd. Police officer arrested

Dreadful behavior by the police. They should be put on trial for murder. Without this video evidence nothing would have happened. However you are lucky to live in a country where you can take such a video, publish it and the authorities will do something. Do this in China and the video will be scrubbed …

UK Coronavirus Trace and Trace Controversy

While the public froth at the mouth about track and trace they lose sight of the real cause of this. It’s not the incompetent government who focused on the wrong things. Using drones to hunt people on deserted moors but allowing thousands to get on crowded buses and trains without face masks.  It’s the Chinese …

China coronavirus deliberate

Donald Trump has so many things wrong with him you could write a book. And many have. But he’s right about the vile Chinese Communist party who closed off Wuhan from the rest of China while still allowing international flights to the rest of the world. They KNEW how contagious this virus was in early …

Coronavirus and Italy

Why did the virus start up in Northern Italy? Because Italy sold out to China and allowed thousands of Chinese people to live in Italy and work in their clothing factories. In many cases owned by Chinese businesses. Many of those Chinese workers workers returned to China for Chinese New Year, 25 January. Some of …

Coronavirus and Trump

Some of what President Trump has said has been stunningly ridiculous. Such as injecting bleach. He has also been spiteful to opponents. In the early part of this outbreak he said it would not spread. With the benefit of hindsight that was very wrong. On the other hand that’s exactly what did happen with the …

Charitable donations from Jeffrey Epstein

Jeffrey Epstein either committed suicide or was murdered in his cell while waiting trial for various sexual activities with under-age women. Universities and charities have been quick to denounce him and monies he may have donated. But a Harvard professor has defended taking his money: The professor has been roundly vilified but think: What if …

Death Penalty

There is a direct correlation  between police numbers, punishment severity and crime. In Singapore for example one gets flogged for vandalism,  thus zero vandalism. Hang these vile and vicious criminals and the risk/reward calculations shifts. Polish slave traffickers….. hang them. Pakistani child groomers,… hang them. The problem with  the death penalty is that it is …

A Jewish Mystery

3 minutes ago (Edited) Edit The mass extermination campaign of the Nazis is a proven fact. Unless you consider the testimony of literally thousands of liberating American and British soldiers to be a fiction and Auschwitz to be a movie set. The Nazis were not successful in killing all the Jews. So here is this …

Asylum seekers again

right now Edit I recently arrived for a vacation with my family at San Francisco airport. We had tourist visas. We waited in line, answered some questions about where we would stay and showed our hotel reservations. Then we were allowed in for our vacation and not put on the next flight home. I didn’t …

Protesting President Trump’s visit to the UK

No problem in the UK putting out the red carpet for the vile president Xi of China. A man who has supervised the incarceration of millions of Muslims in concentration camps. Or for the Arab potentates who consider half their population to be second class citizens with no rights. But sure let’s protest a man …